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Finding Your Tribe

Has anyone ever told you, "You just need to find your tribe?" I have heard that a few times. After all, like anyone else, we are trying to figure out where we fit in, discover our voice, our style, our own purpose.

I have also been counseled that I need to reach out and connect with other artists, entrepreneurs, businesses and so on. It is easy to find yourself trying to do it all by yourself. But, we were not meant to operate like that.

Its nice when I have some time to begin to piece together how I might accomplish a project. How I might arrange and rearrange my time. But it is a struggle. I make plans only to find those plans changing again. I don't know. Maybe we need to plan expecting that there might be changes and decide ahead of time what is kept and what can be moved. It is also encouraging to finally find some like-minded people who have been through that and hear how they got through it. Bend if we must so that we do not break.

I have spent some time reading various books for that encouragement. Bezalel by Christ Otto speaks of this character as a Spirit-filled artist who was called upon by God to build the Ark of the Covenant as well as the Tabernacle. Another individual named Oholiab came alongside Bezalel. The community of people helped in bringing materials needed for these projects. You can read more about it in the book of Exodus.

In the book Otto speaks of the importance of the tribe. For instance, I know a little bit about my own family heritage. But I also know that as a Christian, I am part of another tribe...the family of God. As I consider how to walk in my artist path, knowing the "tribes" I belong, I know I do not have to figure it out alone.

In a post by Shelly Bullard (mind body green), just speaking in general about how to go about finding your tribe, she gives three steps. Step one is to ask yourself what is blocking you from your community? Step two, ask yourself what you want and be specific. Step three, surrender. She says the third part may or may not be difficult for you depending on the type of person you are. That last part takes some faith.

Something I struggle with is speaking up for myself when I am not happy with a situation. Instead of saying something, and allowing time to get to a better place, I let myself get into a spiritual or emotional depression and lie to myself that it will not change.

No man is an island. Recently I rejoined Matt Tommey's Artist Mentoring program. Its self paced. Thanks to some gifted financials I decided not only to join up again, but I did it on the lifetime offer. Its a major commitment for me. We are supposed to be part of the bigger picture within our communities. It makes it a little easier. What do you think? Have you found your tribe?

PS. Most recently I discovered a global community project called Global Roots - America Connects Regionals. I just received a mosaic mural tile kit I have till end of January 2023. Once done I need to send it either physically or digitally. I will share and keep you updated more on that soon.

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